2025 Call for Applications: RIA Board of Directors

February 24th, 2025

Application Deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025, at 9:00am ET.

The Responsible Investment Association (RIA) invites its Members to submit an application to serve on the RIA Board of Directors. The Board has three seats up for election in 2025. RIA Members will vote via electronic ballot in advance of the Annual General Meeting, which will take place in person on Thursday, June 12, 2025, at 1:00pm ET.

Director Responsibilities

The Board is charged with contributing to the advancement of the purpose of the RIA and with providing overall governance and direction for the Association. Each director is a fiduciary, putting the Association’s interests ahead of their own or their employer’s.

Directors are expected to fulfill the following responsibilities:

A.   Attend all Board meetings. We expect to hold approximately five Board virtual meetings per year, in addition to the Annual General Meeting. We recognize that from time-to-time unavoidable conflicts will arise but it will be seen as a significant concern if fewer than 75% of meetings are attended.

B.   Attend face-to-face meetings, including planning sessions, the annual conference and board dinner (when possible), and attend virtually when necessary. The Board holds strategy sessions on an as-needed basis where we address issues of major strategic importance to the Association and the responsible investment industry. In addition, the annual conference and contemporaneous board meeting and dinner are excellent opportunities for building board cohesion. It is expected that all directors will attend these sessions.

C.   Actively participate in the work of the organization. Each director must be willing to support the Association by either serving actively on a Board committee or participating in an RIA Working Group. Directors must also remain informed and supportive of the mission, policies, and programs of the RIA.

D.   Act as an ambassador for the RIA. Each director should, whenever possible and appropriate, represent the RIA at industry related events in his/her region or industry and act as a resource to stakeholders interested in learning more about the work of the RIA.

E.   Remain aware of and attempt to avoid any conflicts of interest. Should a conflict of interest arise, it is imperative that it be reported to the Board, Board chair, or the staff of the RIA immediately.

F.   Adhere to RIA policies and procedures applicable to the Board, which may be amended from time to time.

G.   On a best efforts’ basis, we ask each director to help with the following:

  • Assist in identifying and recruiting new RIA members.
  • Participate in and support RIA events including the national conference, research, and other sponsorship opportunities.
  • Suggest possible nominees to the board.
  • Where possible, help the Nominating Committee identify and recruit other qualified Board members.


Applicants (individual members) or their employers (corporate members) must have been a member of the RIA for at least one year prior to the Annual General Meeting. The RIA Board of Directors may vote to waive the one-year minimum at its discretion.


The RIA supports diversity and values the benefits that diversity can bring to its Board, and we therefore welcome applications from diverse candidates.

The RIA is committed to a merit-based system for Board composition within a diverse and inclusive culture that solicits multiple perspectives and ideas and is free of conscious or unconscious bias and discrimination. Accordingly, the RIA seeks to maintain a Board comprised of directors with an appropriate balance of knowledge, skills, experience, diversity, and other relevant factors, to enable it to discharge effectively its duties and responsibilities.

When assessing Board composition or identifying suitable candidates for appointment or re-election to the Board, the RIA considers candidates having due regard to Board diversity and skills.

View the RIA’s Board Diversity Policy here.

Evaluation Criteria

The Nomination Committee maintains a Board skills matrix, and there are several areas of experience and influence that are critical to contributing to the RIA’s long-term success.

In addition, the Nominating Committee will consider the following in light of current board composition:

  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • RIA Membership category
  • Professional designation or skills set

We are currently seeking to fill gaps in the following areas:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Experience in operating a small to medium enterprise or non-profit
  • Experience working with Advisors/retail channel
  • Gender diversity
  • Western Canada representation
  • Indigenous representation

The ability of a candidate to commit sufficient time and attention to the affairs of the RIA, assume a reasonable proportion of the workload of the board, and the absence of material conflicts of interest are key considerations.  The RIA’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, as represented in the Board Diversity Policy, are also important considerations.

How to Apply

If you wish to apply, please submit your resume and a cover letter describing how you can contribute to the RIA, and two references from current RIA members describing your credentials and commitment to responsible investment. References can be single-page documents consisting of 1 or 2 short paragraphs.

The RIA welcomes bilingual and multilingual applicants. Board and Committee meetings are conducted in English and therefore we request that applications be submitted in English.

These materials may be sent to applications@riacanada.ca and should be addressed to the RIA Nominating Committee. Applications will be reviewed and considered by the RIA’s Nominating Committee, a subcommittee of the RIA Board of Directors.

Application Deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025, at 9:00am ET.