FTSE Russell

FTSE Russell is a leading global index provider creating and managing a wide range of indexes, data and analytic solutions to meet client needs across asset classes, style and strategies. Covering 98% of the investable market, our indexes offer a true picture of global markets, combined with the specialist knowledge gained from developing local benchmarks around the world.
Approximately $16 trillion is currently benchmarked to FTSE Russell indexes. For over 30 years, asset owners, asset managers, ETF providers and investment banks have chosen our indexes to benchmark their investment performance and create investment funds, ETFs, structured products and index-based derivatives.


The CUMIS Group Limited (CUMIS), which is part of The Co-operators group of companies, partners with credit unions to deliver competitive insurance and financial solutions. As the leading provider of insurance-related products and services to the Canadian credit union system, CUMIS serves over 300 credit unions, with a total of more than 5.5 million members.


With net assets of almost $25 billion, OPTrust invests and manages one of Canada’s largest pension funds and administers the OPSEU Pension Plan (including OPTrust Select), a defined benefit plan with over 106,000 members.

As a pension delivery organization, we exist to serve our members, active and retired. Ensuring we can pay pensions today and preserve pensions for tomorrow is our mission each and every day.


Bâtirente offers members of labour unions affiliated to the CSN a retirement system integrating accumulation plans and retirement benefit plans. A mix of eleven investment funds is available. Of those, five are diversified funds providing return/risk profiles that can be adapted to your needs and to the various stages of your life. To make your life simpler while offering you an optimal portfolio throughout your career and your retirement, Bâtirente offers Trajectory, its turnkey investment strategy.

Bâtirente was created in 1987 at the initiative of the CSN, to give women and men workers access to retirement plans adapted to their needs. In addition, this group retirement savings system provides many advantages. Bâtirente’s management fees are lower than those of most comparable funds, and discounts are granted to groups based on their size and accrued assets. Registered as a financial services firm, Bâtirente directly assumes the distribution of its products and services.

Three hundred groups, most of which are labour unions affiliated to the CSN, have established Bâtirente retirement plans. Some 21,000 members use them to build their retirement financial security. In addition, Bâtirente signs agreements with institutions wishing to take advantage of the investment system that it established. These institutions comprise labour unions, associations, co-operatives, social economy organizations, private funds and foundations.

Bâtirente retirement plans are usually implemented upon the signing of collective agreements that establish capital accumulation plans featuring employer and employee contributions. All members of Bâtirente accumulation plans may voluntarily continue to enjoy the advantages provided by its collective retirement system when the time comes to transfer their capital to retirement benefit plans.

Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo)

Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) is one of Canada’s largest and most diversified institutional investment managers with more than CAD 118 billion of assets under management, as of December 31, 2020. AIMCo was established on January 1, 2008 with a mandate to provide superior long-term investment results for its clients. AIMCo operates at arms-length from the Government of Alberta and invests globally on behalf of 32 pension, endowment and government funds in the Province of Alberta.

University of Toronto Asset Management

The University of Toronto Asset Management Corporation (UTAM) was established on April 25, 2000, by the Governing Council of the University of Toronto as a separately incorporated investment management organization governed by its own independent Board of Directors.

UTAM’s sole activity is to manage certain assets of, or under the administration of, the University of Toronto.

We do not have any other clients, and our entire focus is on managing these assets prudently, and in accordance with our client’s directions.

United Church of Canada

What We Believe
United Church faith communities welcome people from all backgrounds and orientations. This section offers an overview of our beliefs.

Faith and the Bible
The Bible is the shared standard for our faith, but members are not required to adhere to any particular creed or formulation of doctrine.

Baptism and Communion
The United Church celebrates two sacraments-baptism and communion-by which we encounter the presence and goodness of God.

Each person is a unique, loved creation of God; we welcome all people to the full life of Christian community, including marriage.

Relationship and Inclusion
Respectful of the religious practice of all people of goodwill, we are a welcoming church that is challenged to ongoing renewal.

Social Justice
Following the example of Jesus, we believe that we strengthen one another to work, through God’s grace, for a better world.

Giving, Generosity, and Gratitude
God’s endless generosity to us encourages our own response to contribute in many ways to God’s mission in God’s world.

Real Estate Foundation of BC

The Real Estate Foundation of BC (REFBC) is a philanthropic organization based in British Columbia, Canada. Our work supports land use and real estate practices that contribute to resilient, healthy communities and natural environments.

The Foundation works to transform land use attitudes and practices in two ways: through grants to support research, education and law/policy reform; and through initiatives and special projects that bridge gaps in research and collaboration.

REFBC Grants

Since launching the grants program in 1988, we have approved more than $75 million in funding to support real estate and land use projects across the province. Our grants support non-profit organizations working to improve BC communities and natural environments through responsible and informed land use, conservation and real estate practices.

Our Funding

In most cases, when property is purchased in British Columbia, real estate brokerages will hold the deposit in a pooled trust account until the sale closes. Under the Real Estate Services Act, the Foundation receives any interest earned on these trust accounts. In turn, we use those funds to support real estate related education, research, law reform, and other land-related activities intended for the public or professional good.


The Foundation is directed by a Board of Governors, which consists of seven appointed members. The British Columbia Real Estate Association, the Real Estate Council of British Columbia, the Real Estate Institute of British Columbia, and the Union of BC Municipalities each appoint one member. The Minister of Finance (BC government) appoints three members.

Each Governor’s term varies according to their appointing body, and they can be appointed for two consecutive terms. The Foundation’s Chair and Vice-chair are elected at REFBC’s annual general meeting in March and each serve for one year.


In 1985, the British Columbia real estate industry, in cooperation with the provincial government, enacted legislation that established the Real Estate Foundation. Under the Real Estate Services Act (BC), our main purposes are “to undertake and carry out real estate public and professional education, real estate law reform, real estate research and other projects intended for the public or professional good in relation to real estate activities.”

While there are parallel foundations across Canada in the legal field, the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia and the Alberta Real Estate Foundation are the only two foundations of their kind.


Located in the heart of Canada’s largest and the world’s most diverse city, MaRS is uniquely placed to lead change. We bring together educators, researchers, social scientists, entrepreneurs and business experts under one roof. Founded by civic leaders, we have a mission that is equal parts public and private – an entrepreneurial venture designed to bridge the gap between what people need and what governments can provide.

Place Matters

MaRS is more than a building, it’s building on MaRS co-founder Dr. John Evans’ vision for the future. Great minds may not think alike but they like each other’s company; a brilliant idea in isolation is not enough to create a real breakthrough.

MaRS is a leader in the trend toward urban innovation districts, which allow entrepreneurs access to corporations, investors, mentors, university institutions and labs to test their concepts. We are where inspiration meets realization.

Community Leader

Innovation doesn’t just happen. As the Toronto Discovery District’s commercialization hub, MaRS gives entrepreneurs what they need most: a home with access to networks and capital. This community keeps our most promising talent here, and supplies established businesses and institutions with a steady stream of creativity.


As a home to entrepreneurs and a bridge to the business world, MaRS helps companies bring breakthrough ideas to market and scale globally. Partnerships are key, and building our corporate network has been a priority.

We work with corporations willing to leverage their global reach to assist startups seeking footholds in foreign markets. Corporations, in turn, are embedding teams at MaRS to boost creativity, scout talent and rekindle their entrepreneurial flames.

Venture Services

Entrepreneurs are a sociable bunch; they enjoy interaction as well as transaction. A chance to meet like-minded individuals is a major reason startups join MaRS Venture Services, whose main goal, of course, is to help them accelerate by providing expert advice, market intelligence and access to capital, as well as connections to talent and customers.


MaRS is not just about creating billion-dollar companies, but touching a billion lives. We are creating a vanguard of entrepreneurs working to improve society for future generations and making a difference beyond our borders.

The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation

The McConnell Foundation is a private Canadian foundation that develops and applies innovative approaches to social, cultural, economic and environmental challenges. We do so through granting and investing, capacity building, convening, and co-creation with grantees, partners and the public.

We want a country in which:

– public, private and social sectors are engaged in active efforts to close the gap between the socioeconomic wellbeing of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people
– the public sector, private investors and philanthropists separately and collaboratively deploy financial capital to create positive social and environmental impact
– social innovation is an integral part of Canada’s innovation ecosystem, enabling civic institutions to co-create policies, initiatives and programs that enable citizens to contribute a diversity of skills and perspectives to Canadian society
– public, private and civil society sectors act collaboratively and courageously to advance human thriving and address shared challenges
– humans’ social and economic footprint is in balance with the natural ecosystems that sustain life.


We envision a Canada in which the economy and social systems advance the well-being of all people, and in which the natural environment is stewarded for future generations. We are committed to reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, and seek to unleash the resources and creativity of individuals and organizations from all sectors to solve social challenges.


The McConnell Foundation engages Canadians in building a society that is inclusive, reconciled, sustainable and resilient-and that advances progress toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.