Ebenezer Arthur

Ebenezer is the Managing Partner of Wangara Capital Partners which is the promoter of Wangara Green Ventures, an impact investment company in Ghana, West Africa with catalytic capital from the World Bank. He doubles as the Managing Director of Wangara Green Ventures.

Wangara Green Ventures invests between $50,000 and $500,000 in small and growing businesses (SGBs) in renewable energy, waste and water management, climate-smart agric, and energy efficiency. Wangara’s objective is to contribute to the growth of the green economy in Africa, starting with Ghana, by providing green SGBs with patient capital and technical assistance for their growth.

Ebenezer co-founded Innohub, a West African business accelerator and impact investment platform. He previously worked with EY where he provided advisory services to companies across West Africa and has also worked in the financial services industry.

He is a trainer for the Investment Manager Training program by the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and has trained impact investment professionals across East and West Africa.

He has an MBA in Entrepreneurship from the Imperial College Business School and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from KNUST. He is an alumnus of the Oxford Impact Investing Program of the Said Business School, University of Oxford and is an Aspen Ideas Fellow. He holds the Responsible Investment Professional Certification (RIPC) from RIA Canada.

Dennis Zaidi

Specializing in integration of ESG and RI in private equity, venture capital and alternative / private markets investments.

Sean Sirois

Demeter Advisors provides consulting services to capital markets participants such as institutional asset managers and asset owners, corporations and other fiduciaries. Consulting services are offered on questions of Governance, Sustainable Investment, Impact Investment and Capital Origination supporting Innovation and Disruptor activities in the sustainable investment field. Demeter also helps to improve communication strategies and presentation materials in order to better connect with clients and stakeholders.


Philip has over 25 years of experience in direct investments and private equity fund investments in China and North Asia. He is passionate about leveraging data and new technologies to build sustainable businesses. In addition, he strives to make a positive impact on society. He volunteers for zero carbon and circular economy projects and promotes STEM/STEAM education in his free time.

Tom Du

Tom Du has over 16 years of consulting and corporate finance experience with clients spanning the energy, manufacturing, and health industries. He has worked overseas, and given sustainability talks in Germany, Greece, and Canada.

Tom has written for various publications, including a book, Corporate Knights magazine, and the Globe and Mail newspaper. He specialises in sustainable finance and energy – with experience in the for-profit, not-for-profit, and public sectors.

Tom holds three degrees: a MBA from Schulich School of Business, a Master’s degree focused in sustainable energy systems, and a corporate finance degree. He also has a post-graduate diploma in business & sustainability as well as certifications from the PMI, CECAB, and CSI.

Karim Harji

Karim Harji brings over a decade of international experience in impact measurement and impact investing. He is the Managing Director at Evalysis, an impact measurement advisory firm, and Programme Director of the Oxford Impact Measurement Programme at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. He was previously on the Board of the Responsible Investment Association.

Karim works with impact investors to describe, evaluate, and improve their social impact. He was the Co-Chair of the Impact Measurement Task Force convened by the Government of Ontario, a Member of the Impact Measurement Working Group of the G8 Social Impact Investment Task Force, and an Advisor to the Rockefeller Foundation on social impact measurement.

Karim was previously a co-founder and Director at Purpose Capital (now Rally Assets), where he established and led its Impact Investment Advisory practice. He has authored widely-cited reports on impact investing, including “State of the Nation: Impact Investing in Canada” and “Accelerating Impact: Achievements, Challenges and What’s Next in Building the Impact Investing Industry”.


Æquo conducts shareholder engagement on behalf of institutional investors seeking to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into their investment processes. Our vision is for a more sustainable and equitable economic system in which companies, encouraged by their investors, create long-term value for the benefit of society as a whole.

We identify the companies in our engagement plan based on their practices and performance with regard to the ESG issues that are material to them. We conduct constructive dialogues with these companies through one-on-one meetings or collaborative campaigns, to better understand how companies are addressing the challenges they face and to suggest appropriate actions to improve their performance. Æquo’s pooled engagement model allows our clients to have a larger reach and impact as active investors while meeting the stewardship expectations of their stakeholders.

Æquo represents international institutional investors including pension funds, asset managers, and faith-based communities. Many of our clients are signatories to the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI). Together, Æquo’s clients represent more than CA$110 billion AUM.

Services Include:
– Shareholder engagement
– Proxy voting
– Consulting and training

Marie-Josee Privyk, CFA, RIPC, IFRS FSA Credential

FinComm provides companies with ESG reporting information and advisory services that meet their specific needs and circumstances so that they can take action with clarity and confidence. With FinComm, companies produce comparable and reliable ESG disclosures that meet investors’ and other stakeholders’ information needs. They reduce their risk of greenwashing and improve their reputation by better aligning their words with their actions.

I have built a career in capital markets – from sell-side analyst and head of research to director of investor relations and sustainable development for a publicly listed company, to ESG and sustainability reporting consultant and ESG data management practitioner – which uniquely positions me at the nexus of companies and investors.