NATOA is a charity organization, and is committed to providing Indigenous Peoples of Canada with the resources and information that will help them efficiently create, manage, and operate trusts as a means to ensure the seven generations yet unborn, can benefit from the goals and dreams of the present generation. NATOA’s goal is to be a highly professional and relevant resource for Indigenous Peoples in becoming self-sustaining and vital economic communities.


Æquo conducts shareholder engagement on behalf of institutional investors seeking to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into their investment processes. Our vision is for a more sustainable and equitable economic system in which companies, encouraged by their investors, create long-term value for the benefit of society as a whole.

We identify the companies in our engagement plan based on their practices and performance with regard to the ESG issues that are material to them. We conduct constructive dialogues with these companies through one-on-one meetings or collaborative campaigns, to better understand how companies are addressing the challenges they face and to suggest appropriate actions to improve their performance. Æquo’s pooled engagement model allows our clients to have a larger reach and impact as active investors while meeting the stewardship expectations of their stakeholders.

Æquo represents international institutional investors including pension funds, asset managers, and faith-based communities. Many of our clients are signatories to the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI). Together, Æquo’s clients represent more than CA$110 billion AUM.

Services Include:
– Shareholder engagement
– Proxy voting
– Consulting and training

New Market Funds

New Market Funds (NMF) is a multi-fund manager that takes an integrated investment approach to deliver market competitive financial performance with community benefit. Utilizing a thematic approach, consistently applying a rigorous investment process and working from the team’s and stakeholders’ experience are all core components of NMF’s purposeful performance. The NMF Rental Housing Fund I LP provides non-profit partners with equity capital for a critical community need, affordable rental housing. NMF also manages New Commons Development I LP (NCD LP), Community Forward Fund (CFF) and the Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund (CCIF).

NCD is an innovative and disciplined non-profit development company that reduces privatization of community owned assets, revitalizes existing stock and creates new affordable housing and related community assets. CFF provides financing opportunities to non-profits, charities and social enterprises across Canada; the Fund is sector agnostic and aims to promote lasting community benefit in Canadian communities. CCIF invests in and lends to co-operative enterprises across Canada that are creating positive impact in their communities.

RE Royalties

RE Royalties is a publicly traded corporation on the TSX Venture Exchange (Symbol: RE) focused on acquiring a portfolio of long-term renewable energy royalty income streams, mainly from projects already in operations or in advanced stages of development. Our portfolio consist of 11 separate royalties from 493 megawatts of operational and late stage development projects in Canada, USA and Europe. Our royalties are based on gross revenues, with revenues backed by long-term agreements from investment grade off-takers, and have an average duration of 20 years or more.

Our investment mandate is to provide shareholders with (1) a strong growing yield (2) robust capital protection (3) high rate of growth through re-investment and (4) a sustainable investment focus. We are a pioneer and leader in royalty financing in the renewable energy sector. Our royalty financing products provide our clients with a financing alternative that is more flexible than traditional debt and less expensive than traditional equity, similar to other royalty financiers in other industries. The small to mid-cap renewable energy sector represents a large market niche that is particularly underserved by traditional financial products. Royalty financing allows them to achieve their growth targets without resorting to either dilution or asset sales.

Shareholder Association for Research & Education

SHARE mobilizes investor leadership to build a sustainable, inclusive and productive economy. For the past 18 years we have been a Canadian leader in providing responsible investment services, research and education to help a growing network of institutional investors become active owners and to develop and implement effective and efficient responsible investment policies and practices. SHARE works with more than 100 leading Canadian institutions including pension funds, foundations, asset managers, Indigenous and religious organizations. Our collaborative programs are driving real change in individual corporate policies and practice, sectoral or cross-sectoral practices, broader public policy, legislation and regulations.

Rally Assets

Rally Assets is an impact investment management firm. The firm helps investors generate positive social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Rally creates impact funds and other portfolios to enable foundations, other institutional investors, family offices and individual accredited investors to invest in alignment with their values. Through its joint venture in Realize Capital Partners, Rally is a fund-of-funds manager for the Government of Canada’s Social Finance Fund.

Rally is a Portfolio Manager and Exempt Market Dealer registered in Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec with the respective provincial securities commissions.

Rally is a certified B Corporation.

Stewart Investors

We are a small team of passionate investors managing, on behalf of our clients, investment portfolios with a focus on high-quality companies that are well positioned to contribute to, and benefit from, sustainable development.

We believe that fund management has a social purpose, encouraging a savings culture around long-term investment. Our philosophy of careful stewardship is in the best interests of clients and should protect capital over the long term.

We invest over the long term across five regions: Asia, Europe, Global Emerging Markets, the Indian Subcontinent and Worldwide.

Hélène Dion Investment Management Inc.

At HDIM, we are passionate about growing and protecting clients’ wealth. We strongly believe in the superiority of income-oriented strategies over the long run, whether income is withdrawn or reinvested. We also emphasize the importance of growing inflation-adjusted income. Therefore, asset allocations for clients are structured to favour asset classes generating real returns: equities with steadily growing dividends; real estate; real-return bonds for non-taxable accounts; and other inflation-sensitive assets. We offer our portfolio management services exclusively on a segregated, discretionary basis. This provides us the flexibility to accommodate various sizes of mandates and different levels of complexity or sophistication. We are particularly experienced in managing several portfolios for a given client or for accounts that form relationships.