Encasa Financial Inc.

Encasa Financial Inc. is a Canadian social purpose mutual fund company with a longstanding commitment to socially responsible investing. From its start in 2002, Encasa has been a proponent of and adherent to the belief that “good companies make good investments” – a fundamental tenet of socially responsible investing.

Encasa recognizes that in conducting its investment management business, it has a dual responsibility:

to provide competitive returns on investments, and
to contribute to the promotion of healthy communities, to addressing issues of social and economic justice, and to support good environmental stewardship.

Encasa believes that integrating socially responsible investing into the investment process is not only preferred but necessary to enhance investment performance over the longer term.

As an early adopter of sustainable investing by incorporating social responsibility principles into the investment process for the Funds, Encasa is a leading social purpose mutual fund company in Canada.

Our investors are primarily non-profit and co-operative organizations seeking to grow their capital assets through responsible investments. We currently do not offer the opportunity for direct investment by individuals.

Desjardins Group

The Desjardins Funds are managed by Desjardins Investments Inc., one of the leading investment fund manufacturers in Canada with $36.1 billion in assets under management.

Desjardins Investments offers a wide range of investment funds and stands out for its innovative investment solutions that meet the varied and changing needs of Canadian investors. Recognized for its rigorous, credible and transparent approach, Desjardins Investments plays a leadership role in supporting and promoting responsible investing in Canada through the SocieTerra family of funds and portfolios.

ClearBridge Investments

Our experience demonstrates that an active, long-term commitment to ESG integration is good business and can offer clients a return on their investments and make an impact. As part of this integration, we assign ESG ratings to every company in our coverage universe and utilize those ratings to inform portfolio managers and drive company engagement. ClearBridge is a signatory to the UN PRI. Over the last several years, we have also begun to integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals into our research and engagements as a practical framework for measuring impact that complements and supports the ESG issues we consider.

CIBC Mellon

CIBC Mellon is a Canadian company exclusively focused on the investment servicing needs of Canadian institutional investors and international institutional investors into Canada.  As at December 31, 2019, CIBC Mellon had more than CAD$2 trillion of assets under administration on behalf of banks, pension funds, investment funds, corporations, governments, insurance companies, foreign insurance trusts, foundations and global financial institutions whose clients invest in Canada.  www.cibcmellon.com

CIBC Mellon est une société canadienne qui se concentre exclusivement à répondre aux besoins de services de placement des investisseurs institutionnels canadiens et des investisseurs institutionnels étrangers qui investissent au Canada.  Au 31 decembre 2019, CIBC Mellon détenait plus de 2 billions $ CA d’actifs sous administration au nom de banques, de caisses de retraite, de fonds de placement, de sociétés, de gouvernements, de compagnies d’assurance, de fiducies d’assurance étrangères, de fondations et d’institutions financières mondiales dont les clients investissent au Canada. www.cibcmellon.com

CI Global Asset Management

CI Global Asset Management (CI GAM) is one of Canada’s largest investment management companies with global scale and capabilities. The firm partners with financial advisors to serve approximately 1.4 million investors across the country. It operates a fully integrated global investment platform, consisting of more than 100 investment professionals representing a broad range of expertise across asset classes and industry sectors. CI GAM offers its mandates in a variety of product structures – mutual funds, private pools, alternatives and ETFs – allowing investors to access its investment expertise in the product that best suits their needs.

We believe consideration of material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in analysis and portfolio construction can help mitigate risk and enhance a portfolio’s risk-adjusted returns. Disciplined research is at the core of our investment process and integrated management of all risks – ESG included – gives us a more accurate view of our investments. CI GAM’s practice of ESG analysis and portfolio construction is done with the primary view of achieving better risk-adjusted returns for clients.

CI Global Asset Management is an Associate Member of the Responsible Investment Association.

Assiniboine Credit Union

Assiniboine Credit Union is a financial co-operative in Manitoba with branches in Winnipeg, Thompson and Gillam. As a values-based organization, ACU uses its expertise and resources to foster self-reliant and sustainable communities, while taking care to consider the impact of business decisions on employees, members, the environment and the communities it serves.

Amundi Asset Management

Amundi Asset Management is an asset management firm with a global presence. They are committed to responsible investment through investing in a dedicated team of ESG specialists and have a well-defined and active engagement policy.

Alterna Savings & Credit Union

Alterna Savings & Credit Union is a financial co-operative offering every day banking, credit and investment solutions (including responsible investment funds). They also offer business solutions, investment and retirement planning, and a full service brokerage.