CI Global Asset Management

CI Global Asset Management (CI GAM) is one of Canada’s largest investment management companies with global scale and capabilities. The firm partners with financial advisors to serve approximately 1.4 million investors across the country. It operates a fully integrated global investment platform, consisting of more than 100 investment professionals representing a broad range of expertise across asset classes and industry sectors. CI GAM offers its mandates in a variety of product structures – mutual funds, private pools, alternatives and ETFs – allowing investors to access its investment expertise in the product that best suits their needs.

We believe consideration of material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in analysis and portfolio construction can help mitigate risk and enhance a portfolio’s risk-adjusted returns. Disciplined research is at the core of our investment process and integrated management of all risks – ESG included – gives us a more accurate view of our investments. CI GAM’s practice of ESG analysis and portfolio construction is done with the primary view of achieving better risk-adjusted returns for clients.

CI Global Asset Management is an Associate Member of the Responsible Investment Association.

BMO Global Asset Management

BMO Global Asset Management is focused on meeting the needs of investors, both locally and globally, with capabilities in virtually all public markets. The business is characterized by specialized, regional investment teams providing a range of investment solutions to clients across North America, Europe, Asia/Pacific and the Middle East.

The firm was originally established in 1982, subsequently acquired by Burns Fry Limited in 1991, and as a result of the Burns Fry merger with Nesbitt Thomson in 1994, became part of the BMO Financial Group.

In 2014 BMO acquired F&C Asset Management plc through its wholly owned subsidiary, BMO GAM (Europe) Limited. This acquisition positions BMO GAM as a globally significant money manager, enhancing its investment platform capabilities and providing attractive opportunities to service wealth markets all around the world. We have been recognized as one of Pension & Investments Top 100 Money Managers based on worldwide assets.

With this acquisition, BMO GAM now has 20+ offices in 14 countries serving clients across five continents, and is better able to leverage ideas cross-border and bring more comprehensive solutions to our clients around the world.

Amundi Asset Management

Amundi Asset Management is an asset management firm with a global presence. They are committed to responsible investment through investing in a dedicated team of ESG specialists and have a well-defined and active engagement policy.

AGF Management Limited

Founded in 1957, AGF Management Limited (AGF) is an independent and globally diverse asset management firm. AGF brings a disciplined approach to delivering excellence in investment management through its fundamental, quantitative, alternative and high-net-worth businesses focused on providing an exceptional client experience. AGF’s suite of investment solutions extends globally to a wide range of clients, from financial advisors and individual investors to institutional investors including pension plans, corporate plans, sovereign wealth funds and endowments and foundations.

AGF has investment operations and client servicing teams on the ground in North America, Europe and Asia. With nearly $39 billion in total assets under management, AGF serves more than one million investors. AGF trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol AGF.B.

Addenda Capital

Addenda Capital is a privately-owned investment management firm with more than $40 billion in total assets under administration. Focused on offering clients innovative multi-asset solutions, the firm has long integrated environmental, social and governance issues into its investment processes for a clientele that comprises both institutional investors and high net worth individuals. Impact, climate transition and sustainable strategies are some of the paths that Addenda has chosen to invest for a better future. The firm promotes proactive stewardship, an approach that incorporates meaningful engagement with companies on issues such as their environmental strategies, diversity and inclusion, working conditions and sound governance.

Headquartered in Montréal (Québec), Canada, Addenda also has offices in Toronto, Guelph and Regina. It is co-owned by Co-operators Financial Services, a subsidiary of Canadian insurance co-operative The Co-operators Group Limited, and by Employees. Addenda is a Sustaining Member of the Responsible Investment Association (RIA), an Investor Member of the Green Bond Principles and a signatory of both the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and the Montréal Carbon Pledge.