State Street Global Advisors, Ltd.

Founded over 40 years ago as the asset management arm of State Street Corporation, State Street Global Advisors is grounded in State Street’s 231-year heritage of helping people manage their assets wisely. Today, we’re the world’s fourth largest asset manager with $3.48 trillion* in assets under management for clients, ranging from central banks and sovereign wealth funds, to pensions, foundations, and investment advisors.

We have a history of innovation in developing a broad array of strategies across the risk-reward spectrum, from passive and enhanced index strategies, to active equity alternative investment strategies. Our product ranges are offered through commingled funds (mutual and ETFs) or through segregated accounts.

RBC Global Asset Management

RBC Global Asset Management is a global asset manager that provides a comprehensive range of investment management services and solutions to individual, high-net-worth and institutional investors through mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, hedge funds and pooled funds, separate accounts and specialty investment strategies.

Each of our 23 investment teams located in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia share a common philosophy rooted in the pursuit of deep fundamental knowledge and the need to innovate in rapidly changing financial markets. We recognize the advantages of integrating advanced investment tools into our investment process to encourage rigor and efficiency, while minimizing the threats posed by behavioural bias. Our teams create value through their own specialized disciplines and unique processes, while being individually accountable for their results. Our culture demands excellence and innovation in investment and risk management, while always ensuring that our clients’ interests are central to every decision we make.

RBC PH&N Investment Counsel Inc.

RBC PH&N Investment Counsel is Canada’s largest investment counselling firm providing discretionary investment management services to Canadian families and mid-size institutions requiring specialized investment guidance and solutions. Our firm offers a full range of investment strategies across fixed income, equities, and alternatives through a selectively curated multi-manager investment platform with RBC Global Asset Management, a UNPRI signatory, at the core. In addition to ESG integration across all asset classes, RBC PH&N Investment Counsel also offers the RBC Vision suite of funds which incorporate sector-based or thematic ESG screening and exclusions, as well as customized portfolios for investors with unique sector or industry exclusionary requirements.

Mackenzie Investments

Confidence in a Changing World
We’ve been helping Canadians since 1967, when Mackenzie Investments started with one person managing investments for one investor in Toronto. Now we’re a holistic asset-management partner for thousands of Canadian financial advisors and the investors they support across the country. Our commitment to them is to help investors achieve financial success and feel confident about the future.

Innovation & Expertise
We partner with advisors and the investors they work with by bringing them innovative investment solutions, excellent asset management and superb service. Our team delivers innovation and expertise through mutual funds, ETFs, alternative investments, Private Wealth Pools and managed solutions. We also offer a charitable giving program and solutions for saving for a child’s education and giving financial assistance to people with disabilities. We strive to bring insights, data and tools to advisors to help them support their clients.

Helping investors and advisors – that’s where everything starts for us. Always.

Jarislowsky, Fraser Limited

Jarislowsky, Fraser Limited is an independent portfolio management firm that manages portfolios on behalf of pension funds, foundations and endowments, corporations and individuals in Canada, and internationally. Consistent with its investment philosophy as long-term investors in high-quality businesses, it integrates ESG factors into its fundamental investment analysis and takes an engaged ownership approach to promote good corporate governance.

Hélène Dion Investment Management Inc.

At HDIM, we are passionate about growing and protecting clients’ wealth. We strongly believe in the superiority of income-oriented strategies over the long run, whether income is withdrawn or reinvested. We also emphasize the importance of growing inflation-adjusted income. Therefore, asset allocations for clients are structured to favour asset classes generating real returns: equities with steadily growing dividends; real estate; real-return bonds for non-taxable accounts; and other inflation-sensitive assets. We offer our portfolio management services exclusively on a segregated, discretionary basis. This provides us the flexibility to accommodate various sizes of mandates and different levels of complexity or sophistication. We are particularly experienced in managing several portfolios for a given client or for accounts that form relationships.

Genus Capital Management

Genus Capital Management is an independent investment management firm based in Vancouver. They offer fossil free and impact investment strategies to institutional and private clients.

Franklin Templeton

Franklin Templeton’s goal is to deliver strong, long-term results for investors. To meet this goal, it is vital to consider ESG issues alongside traditional financial measures as they can have a material impact on the value of securities and the long-term performance of companies. At Franklin Templeton, we believe that adopting ESG best practices in our own operations and our investment process has made us a stronger, more resilient and more responsive company – to our clients, our shareholders and our employees.

Our ESG integration approach is designed to ensure that material ESG issues are:
Recognised: ESG risks should be identified and understood at the security, portfolio and operational levels.
Intentional: Material ESG risks and opportunities are actively sought out and included throughout the investment process.

ESG research, analytics and supporting active ownership activities are undertaken by our 650 investment professionals supported by a central team of ESG specialists and our global risk consultants.

In addition to our ESG integration approach across all strategies we offer an array of solutions to further cater to clients’ responsible investment requirements. These includes SRI, ESG tilted, thematic, impact investing and custom solutions.

Fiera Capital Corporate

Fiera Capital Corporation is an independent asset management firm with a growing global presence and approximately C$158.5 billion in AUM as at December 30, 2022. We deliver customized multi-asset solutions across public and private market asset classes to institutional, financial intermediary and private wealth clients across North America, Europe and key markets in Asia. We strive to be at the forefront of investment-management science and we are passionate about creating sustainable wealth for clients.

At Fiera Capital, we recognize that the investment landscape is constantly evolving. Our teams collaborate and seek to draw on the global industry’s most innovative and diverse offerings to craft strategies that meet the needs of every client, anywhere in the world. We have the ambition to extend our reach globally and the determination to provide the best solutions with excellence.

As a public company, we seek to adhere to the highest governance and risk management standards and operate with transparency and integrity to create value for our customers and our shareholders over the long term.

Fiera Capital trades under the ticker FSZ on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

ClearBridge Investments

Our experience demonstrates that an active, long-term commitment to ESG integration is good business and can offer clients a return on their investments and make an impact. As part of this integration, we assign ESG ratings to every company in our coverage universe and utilize those ratings to inform portfolio managers and drive company engagement. ClearBridge is a signatory to the UN PRI. Over the last several years, we have also begun to integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals into our research and engagements as a practical framework for measuring impact that complements and supports the ESG issues we consider.