Anthony Edwards

Investment Advisor
Leede Jones Gable

popup medal icon RIA: Certified

Our mission at EthicInvest is to integrate environmental and social needs with investment portfolio planning. We believe that every investment portfolio can be guided to achieve financial returns with reduced risk by overlaying environmental and social considerations. We understand this to be the best path towards achieving sustainable long term returns, and building a more equitable, just and sustainable world.

If you are an investor who is uncomfortable with the social or environmental impact of the companies you may own in your RRSP, or mutual fund, or stock portfolio, you might like to know that there are many approaches to better aligning your savings and your values.

Whether you wish to comment, or find out more, or you know you’re ready to make a change to the way you invest, I’m easily reachable by phone or email. There is an evolution underway in the manner in which corporations conduct their business, and our investment dollars are one of the essential catalysts.

Services Offered in RI
  • Charitable giving
  • Financial planning
  • Insurance & risk planning
  • Investment management
Minimum Account Size


Investor Type Dealt With


Type of License


Provinces Licensed In
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Ontario