Financial Advisor Membership

$350 annually

RIA Advisor Membership is for registered financial advisors who practice and support responsible investing. RIA Advisor Membership demonstrates your commitment to responsible investment, and boosts your exposure to current and potential clients.

Features & Benefits

    Branding and Marketing Benefits

  • Placement in the national directory of Responsible Investment Advisors.
  • Profile page on the RIA website to help attract potential clients.
  • License to use the RIA logo to support your branding & marketing efforts.

    Education and Market Intelligence Benefits

  • Call upon RIA staff for consultations and information requests.
  • Discounts on events & RI professional development courses.
  • Earn a responsible investment credential.
  • Receive monthly RIA newsletters and other periodic messages to stay abreast of RI industry news & insights.

    Networking & Collaboration Benefits

  • Networking opportunities with asset owners, consultants, fund companies, advisors, investment managers & other RI industry participants at RIA events and conferences.
  • Participation in the RIA Advisor Members’ listserv – a tool for RIA Advisor Members to connect, share ideas and pose questions to like-minded advisors across the country.


"The RIA has provided me with a great network of likeminded professionals along with an abundance of useful information about the responsible investment industry. I am impressed with the organization and pleased to be an RIA Member. Best of all, being certified through the RIA distinguishes me from everyone else in the investment business."

Michael Silicz

Investment Advisor, National Bank Financial Wealth Management

Financial Advisor

$350 annually

Note: This category of membership is only for individual advisors; not advisory teams. Advisory teams are candidates for RIA Supporting Membership or RIA Associate Membership.

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General Information
